Meaningful Crap: The Blog

Maybe I'll change this description every week, just to give something extra to the die-hard fans. Maybe what's written here now will remain indefinitely, either from laziness or ineptitude. We'll have to see.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Updates! Sort of.

Hey! I know no one cares about (or even is aware of) this blog, but I just wanted everyone to know that after almost a year of inactivity, I will be blogging this place up like nobody's business. I have lots to talk about.

However, at the moment, I need to go get my driver's liscence photo taken for my renewal, so I can't talk about these things just yet. I will later. Really. No, I mean it this time.

Upcoming topics to look forward to: Wil Wheaton, driver's liscence photos, and possibly an ongoing story! Ooh, boy!

We'll see how long this newfound bloggy excitement lasts...

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