Meaningful Crap: The Blog

Maybe I'll change this description every week, just to give something extra to the die-hard fans. Maybe what's written here now will remain indefinitely, either from laziness or ineptitude. We'll have to see.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

The Saga of my Norfolk Pine

Happy Easter, everyone!

Back before Christmas, my sister found a small, potted Norfolk Pine lying on the side of the street. It had been cast out with the rest of someone's garbage. Feeling bad for it, my sister took it with her, gave it to me, and it ended up in my bedroom. I continually watered it, hopeful for its survival because it had not yet turned brown and fallen apart, like so many past Christmas trees.

Nothing happened. It stayed green, but there was no new growth (that I could see) and it was still as brittle as... well, a dried-up Norfolk Pine.

Today I decided to do some emergency plant CPR. I put it into a much larger pot (the roots has gotten bound up in their small space), surrounded it with nice rich potting soil, and pruned off the dead parts. It was at this point that I discovered that some jackass had spray-painted it green, hence the lack of brown I had been watching for. Not good.

What hope am I clinging to, then? Well, some of the branches near the very bottom seemed soft and still pliable. The upper ones literally shattered when I cut them. We'll have to see. I'd really like this cast-aside tree to survive and possibly flourish. Here's hoping for the best.

Anyone got any ideas for a name for my Norfolk Pine? Of course, that would involve someone actually reading my blog (not likely) and then going ahead and replying to this post (less likely). I'll just sit here and pet my pine tree. Actually, that's a bad idea, because it tends to break when you touch it. We're pulling for ya, buddy!

I would post some pictures of him, but I suck at taking digital camera pictures and the ones I took ended up blurry as hell. Screw digital cameras. Give me a nice black-and-white Minolta any day. Cameras are supposed to give a nice, satisfying "cuh-chik!" when you use them, not a "beep." All right, I'm done.


At 4:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't name the plant. Naming the plant dooms it to an early grave.


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