Meaningful Crap: The Blog

Maybe I'll change this description every week, just to give something extra to the die-hard fans. Maybe what's written here now will remain indefinitely, either from laziness or ineptitude. We'll have to see.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Meaningful Crap?

Some words on the title.

Back in my Freshman year of college, a poetry class had me create a chapbook of poems. I titled it "Meaningful Crap", because anything more witty would have been, well, meaningful crap. I thought it was punchy, humorous, and a fair representation of what lay within.

Last year, I bought a nice harcover notebook to keep every poem and short story and flash fiction I had ever written in (I got halfway through, messed up a page in pen, and kind of gave up - makes me wonder about the longevity of this webpage). It was titled "Meaningful Crap: The Book", because it was a step up from the chapbook before it. Adding a colon and redundant description to any title makes it seem cooler and more important.

Now the blog. This is my first attempt at anything like this, so naturally (after an exhaustive 2 minute attempt to think of something incredibly witty), I continued my tradition of positive self-esteem and titled it as you see above. It implies an evolution of sorts; my writing is changing as I grow older and the presentation is following along with it, but still there is a connection to my past that can never be severed without losing the one thing that makes me who I am.

Or, in other words, meaningful crap.

...I think it's meaningful, anyway. You'll probably think it's crap.

We're both winners! *high fives the montitor*


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